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Our Process


Before rehearsals began, the Research Team (Dr. Cross, Maddie Southard, and Haley Hamilton) developed the working bibliography and selected readings from that long list to share with the cast. We determined that we wanted to explore eight disparate topics: Early History and Redlining; Vanport; Albina; Gentrification; The Numbers; Climate, Environment, Trees, and Fire; Eviction & Homelessness; COVID and housing. 


In the first two weeks of rehearsal, the devising ensemble read articles, watched videos, and explored reports full of statistics. Each rehearsal began with a discussion of the material covered that day. Then we broke into groups and created improvisational scenes based on the information we had learned that day. The last half hour was spent sharing our brand-new scenes with each other and discussing the ideas that had risen to the surface.

In the final say of exploration, each member of the ensemble chose five scenes that felt the most important and pertinent to them. We discussed the different options we had all brought to the table. Each member then crafted their ideal "show" bringing together the different scenes. With all of this information, Dr. Cross created a "skeleton script," bringing together all the ideas into a coherent whole. 


Believe it or not, the entire show was written in just one week!!

In each day of rehearsal, we broke into writing teams. Each team was tasked with writing a different scene.

We wrote for five days and then, on Saturday, we had a full run through of the first draft of the show. 


The play was rehearsed in three weeks - one week for basic blocking, one week to fine tune, and one week to add in the technical elements. 


Narayan Bal
Kai Kimball
Bennett Buchholz
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